Matthew T Grant


Tall Guy. Glasses.

Check Out the Levels

3389077463_acfc7489a0_mIn Ithaca, my friend Art once told me that he hated it when people spoke of “levels” as in, “We’re seeing a whole other level of play on the court today.” (I had just told him that, having finished my dissertation, I felt that I had “moved to another level.”)

Years later, I’m in New Zealand hanging with this other friend, Russel, and I say, “I’ve always got to remind myself that there are other levels. Like, I imagine I’m at the highest level, but then I realize there’s another level.”

“There’s always another level,” Russel said.

I believe that there is always another level if for no other reason than that such a belief can spur us on and inspire us to be better, do more – grow, change, thrive.

Nevertheless, I also hold fast to the faith that there is a level where there are no levels at all.

Incredible Image Courtesy of kern.justin.

Category: Careering, Enlightenment, Ethics, Thinking Out Loud

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2 Responses

  1. daniel says:

    where is your friend art these days?

  2. admin says:

    Art disappeared into the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with his wife and child (I think she teaches up thereabouts).